Monday, May 21, 2012

Off to Suzhou... Wedding dress recce

So I've prepped myself for the day ahead. Off to Suzhou THE place for wedding dresses here outside of Shanghai, and lucky enough it's only around an hours train ride.
I guess I should do a quick little intro. so you know why I'm here and what I'm about.

My name is Natalie I am currently living in Shanghai, China with my fiance and two dogs.

We've all been here for the past 2+ years (feels much longer). We were engaged November last year and are getting married in March next year so I decided to write a blog on the adventures of wedding planning, organising it abroad and the adventures associated with living in China. I may digress every now and then talking about China or places I've seen or visited or other random things but mainly this blog is about the days up until the wedding. Which I just checked is 299 days!!

Right, so time to shower and jump on the train to Suzhou...